
by Allison Shimmel

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Packages arrive

One, two, three, four

He unwraps them as if in a trance 

Who orders 12 toothpastes?

They share a glance

Up and down

Up and down

Footsteps hurrying on the stairs 

Floorboards above creaking with

Increasing intensity

The anxiety keeping them awake 

Each step becoming a reminder 

Of what it takes

Music blaring

All morning and all night 

“Please turn it off!”

They argue and they fight

Yesterday the fridge was filled 

With take out and energy drinks 

But today, it’s down the disposal 

The ever-changing opinions 

Pushing them to the brink

The all-nighters quickly turn

To days filled with endless sleep 

The whole house is quiet

They know not to make a peep

Allison Shimmel is a third-year medical student at the UTCOMLS.


A Healing Hand


An Intubated Patient is Born