Fragile Mind
by Sahil Kapur
Oil painting (knife and brush), 30x40 inches
Artist’s Statement
"The Fragile Mind" is an introspective exploration of the human mind through an oil painting. Created with a purposeful blend of brush and knife techniques, the painting embraces imperfection and flaws as a reflection of the inherent complexities of mental health.
Central to the artwork are the woman's eyes, which convey a blend of tranquility and silent distress, inviting viewers to delve into the mind's inner workings. The piece's narrative is furthered by symbolism, which illustrates the turbulent nature of mental turmoil through the woman's shirt's depiction of thunderclouds created with the imperfection of knife strokes. Her mental turmoil is both a shield, an armor, on her but also a window into her psychological state. Often art is seen as a medium of expression within and this painting plans on doing the same. It hopes for the viewer to find pieces of themselves in the still storm.
"The Fragile Mind" is not merely a visual representation but a celebration of acceptance and a challenge to societal stigmas surrounding mental health. While subtle, the complexities of the human mind are painted with imperfections to find beauty in strokes of opposite directions and calm in crashing waves. The painting encourages viewers to confront and embrace the complexities of the human mind with empathy and curiosity.
Sahil Kapur is a third-year medical student at the UTCOMLS.