The Anatomist’s Soul
Dr. Lloyd Jacobs
Image source: Unsplash
Naturalists say the soul is a mere
epiphenomenon, or figment maybe,
that it must arise from some material site
Pascal thought it was the heart where
dwelt the human soul, a notion confuted
by the heart-lung machine
today it is the brain scientists who, to
conform to the materialist dogma,
claim to know the domicile of the soul
But the dwelling of the human soul is in
the human face:
Frontalis for worrying
Orbicularis Oculi for squinting
Alaeque Nasi for sniffing
Levator Anguli Oris for smiling
These and their congeries comprise
the dwelling of the ineffable human soul.
Dr. Lloyd Jacobs is President Emeritus of The University of Toledo. He has published 3 collections of poetry and was previously a professor of vascular surgery at the University of Michigan.