Unheard Cries
by Sachin Aryal
Innocent and precious.
Their laughter,
Heals wounds, brings calm.
The ruthless world thinks otherwise.
Inflicting pain upon them,
With your heart as cold as ice!
And turning them lifeless!
How can you be so merciless?
You forget their smile,
The source to yours!
Now was your turn,
But you turned around!
Just in the name of war!
Do you think it is the only way?
Changing political disagreements,
Into a blood game!
And dragging children into this cruel frame!
Is it justifiable?
Health care, the basic human need.
Your missiles and bullets,
Into the children’s hospital!
Crushed humanity!
Homo sapiens, the most intelligent of all.
“The most intelligent”? I now doubt!
Sachin Aryal is a is a PhD candidate in Biomedical Sciences at the UTCOMLS.