Thread 1: In the beginning…
by Naveed Shah
Image Source: Unsplash
We (frantically) created notes
On progeria, listeria, and even microscopes
Of course we had the highest hopes
It was only the beginning, no need to diagnose
Soon came heme/onc
Heparin or warfarin? - really feeling like a doc
One after another - Scholar Rx around the clock
Hairy, smudged and owl eyed - left a few in a state of shock
Lucky for us Pathoma was in stock
What came and left quick was immuno
“That’s what we like” we sang like Bruno
From white bloods cells to transplants, and the Chediaki - albino
it was short, but indeed - very thorough
Last and by no means the least came infectious disease
No more swimming in the seas
Or eating unpasteurized cheese
Say it with me: stay away from the ixodes!!
And a special thank you to Sketchy - you never failed to please
Author Statement:
This poem is a reflection piece that centers around our first thread of medical school. Using a bit of sarcasm and humor, this poem brings to light some of our challenges but also reminds us of the fun and exciting aspects of our first year.
Naveed Shah is a first-year medical student at the UTCOMLS.