
by Harsh Agrawal

sitting in front of me

a patient gazing at me

a patient talking to me

waiting for my eyes to be free

both are glued to the screen

pixels: red, blue, and green

sitting in front of me

a patient, waiting to be seen

“okay, let’s take a peek”

on fundoscopy: pupil, lens, retina;

optic nerve, ophthalmic vein, et cetera

look again though

take my time

might get a peek

into my patient’s mind

the universe

the sun

planet earth

a morning run

hopes and dreams

coffee, one cream

a whole entire life

to me, largely unseen

a main character

on the big screen

I’m merely supporting cast

on set for just a few scenes

so this is what it is

to care for a human being

Image Source: Unsplash

Harsh Agrawal is a second-year medical student at the UTCOMLS.


Thread 1: In the beginning…


Our First Patients