Farewell to the Shoal

by Saira Khan

Image source: Unsplash

Swimming the sea of life, colored deep blue

Following a swift school of bright fish, who

Pursue the same ambitious rich dream

Seek the same treasure, shimmer & gleam

I shed salty tears through the past dark years

Facing tall tides swirling with status quo

Racing wild waves, there are new struggles, though

Pursuing my true self, I now grow

Seeking my own current, I now glow

I shed sweet tears through the future light years

Author’s Statement:

Medicine is a slow and fast journey, a path that twists and turns and loops and sometimes even reverses when you least expect it.

All of us, as life-long learners, have promised to embark on this long journey with a shared goal of helping save lives. Traveling along a common path like a shoal - a school of fish who swim together - we all pursue the same ambitious, rich dream. The journey never truly ends, only upgrading to different tiers as we progress in life. Yet, each stage seems to bring about new obstacles as we struggle to get to where we want to be one day.

Why do physicians burn out in their dream career they have worked so hard towards? Why do medical students fall into a rabbit hole as they compare their lives to others? Why do premedical students feel like they are not enough in a sea of smart fish? How can we better patient lives when we ourselves are struggling? 

Once pre-medical students, now medical students, and as future practicing physicians, by pursuing the same dreams and becoming a part of the “shoal”, we have always and will always compare ourselves to others. Innate to human nature, we observe others and want what we do not have. Our day-to-day life becomes shrouded in darkness as we lose ourselves and our passions for the things we once loved to do and the dreams we once swore by.

Reflecting and learning from my own experiences, I have come to better appreciate the path to medicine. I have learned the importance of hope, believing in the best version of yourself, as well as the need to take care of yourself. Continuing to grow and keeping my hobbies and passions alive, I also try to keep close to my heart the reasons why I have chosen medicine. In this way, I believe I am striving towards a future that will glow brighter as I not only help better patient lives, but also help better my own.

Medicine is a stressful and fruitful journey, a path that gives and takes and compromises and sometimes even leads you to discover the gift of life when you least expect it.

Saira Khan is a third-year medical student at the UTCOMLS.


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