Table of Contents
A Case for the Humanities by Faryal Irfan
Presbycusis by Sarit Dhar
Anatomy of the Abdomen by Erin Sheehan
If I Kept a Diary in Medical School: I’m So Selfish by Brooke Buckingham
If I Kept a Diary in Medical School: Advice for Clinical Years by Brooke Buckingham
If I Kept a Diary in Medical School: Feeling Human Again by Brooke Buckingham
The One I Needed by Molly Adams
A Geologist Muses Upon Mud by Dr. Yvette Perry
Study to the Test by John Vergis
The Least of These by Dr. Jennifer DeLucia
Farewell to the Shoal by Saira Khan
Beyond Skin by Naveed Shah
First, Do No Harm by Omar Bassiouni
Hymn for the Present by Dr. Yvette Perry
The Biliary Tree by Sarah Kearney
The Odds by Kanya Dayananth
Seltzer by Eli Casey
Reprise by Dr. Blair Grubb
Brainstorming by Anya Amin
I Don’t Know by Brian Hibbard
George Washington and Smallpox: The Decision that Saved the Continental Army by Konrad Katterle
Inner Monologue by Paige Spata
The Disappearing Wives of Henry VIII and the Ten Thousand Men of Maurice Maeterlinck by Dr. S. Amjad Hussain
Sounds of Existence by Claire Turgeon
Death in Quarantine by Chelsie Baylor
Radiographic Reflections by Andrew Boring
I Don’t Know, My Child. by Dr. Lloyd Jacobs
The Waiting Room by Dr. Lloyd Jacobs
Rhythm by Dr. Lloyd Jacobs
The Prognosis by Dr. Lloyd Jacobs
At The VA Hospital by Dr. Lloyd Jacobs
The Surgeon Poet by Dr. Lloyd Jacobs