The Odds
by Kanya Dayananth
My father was young when his own father died
He resolved to avoid such a painful demise
He wanted to study and do what I do
But time slipped away and his dreams were revised
Instead, he picks up on the very first ring
“I’m so proud, my darling, my one in a million!”
My eyes roll and we chat of what I learned yesterday
Conversation meanders as we drag and delay
But lately, he says he’s been aching these days
Fatigued? Night sweats? I ask after his weight
Some tests have come back, may I text them through?
Of course, I tell my dad, I’ll do anything for you
But I’m angry with him, about my odds he has lied
There’s no one in a million
Since our fathers all die
Image source: Unsplash
Kanya Dayananth is a third-year medical student at the UTCOMLS.