The One I Needed

by Molly Adams

I was tired.

I was overwhelmed.

I was frustrated.

It was late in the day that felt like it just kept going.

But something drew me to her. Something told me she was the one I needed that night.

I did my normal introductions. I offered what little help it seemed I was able to give.

I asked what I could do.

She said, “you can talk to me.”

“About what?” I said.

“Talk to me about anything.”

We talked for a while about my plans for the future and for the weekend, my family, her

family. She shared her grievances and hopes. She listened carefully.

All too soon, our time was up, as it always is eventually.

She held my hand and squeezed it tight. I wished her goodnight.

We parted ways.

She was the one I needed. Maybe just for the conversation. But maybe also as a reminder

of why I am here.

Photograph, taken by artist at Wildwood Metropark

Molly Adams is a fourth-year medical student at the UTCOMLS.


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